Design + Branding:
- Art Direction and Design
- Diagrams that changed the world
- Rethinking Conceptual Type Design
- The Kansas City Wizards’ Last Trick
- Design Thinking is Killing Creativity
- Tom Geismar : An Inspiration to All
- Promoting the value of design in the economy
- Reviving Caslon
- Dezeen Watch Store
- Tilde in the News
User Experience:
- Imagination, Sympathy, and the User Experience
- RockMelt – Your Browser. Re-Imagined.
- User Experience: Learning from the Pros
- Applying Lessons from UML to UX
- Mobile First Web Second (continued)
- Amazon Slideshow Widget
- Mobilize Your Blog This Holiday Season
- Psychic Search: A quick primer on search suggestions
- 5 of the Best New User Experiences of 2010
Other Tangents:
- Google adds Canadian bike routes to maps
- Reasons to work
- 490 – Map of the World’s Countries Rearranged by Population
- Where does the money go?
- Eating The Irish
- A Dying Banker’s Last Instructions
- Gloria Martin’s interview with Leslie Nielsen in 2004